Sunday, August 8, 2010

Tutorial: Uploading files via FTP

When you're working online for website administration, you may find it hard to comprehend with your clients. Some clients gives out too many information, making you work so complicated. Some clients gives out too little information, leaving you hanging.

This tutorial I'm gonna make is for beginning online workers who find it hard to do the work because they arent so familiar with it. So here goes:

1. You need an FTP program that is reliable and user friendly(helps most for beginners). There are so many FTP programs in the web that you can find. But what I like to use is FileZilla. Why? Because its free and because its been used by so many you can easily find support forums over the net. Here is the download link

2. You need the account details to access the FTP. NOTE: This is the crucial part in the tutorial
When you're working on GoDaddy hosting site, it becomes much more complicated. Thats why we need to understand this first
  • There is a main site that you will be using to access site. The main site will consist of sub domains. So when you want to access the sub domains, you will have to access the main site first.
3. So basically when you installed FileZilla, it will prompt you to enter the account information.
  • Host name: the main site address. Remember even if you are using a subdomain, do not to use it. Use the main site.
  • Username: This will be provided by your client
  • Password: Provided by client also
  • Port: Leave it alone.

Then you can now connect.

Important: When youve already connected, you will now be shown a list of files under the server. THERE IS A FOLDER FOR EACH DOMAIN. It is your job to ask your client which folder is used to the domain you will be working on. And DO NOT touch the other folders if you dont want to get into any trouble.

So thats it! I will be posting how to run wordpress setup online on my next post. Ciao for now!